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Honda unveils helmet that lets wearer control a robot by thought alone

"A human wearing the Honda helmet managed to control the robot Asimo without moving a muscle"

Category: Robotics


Carbon labels present taxing problem

"Labels showing products' carbon footprints will not help tackle climate change, says Alex Kasterine. In this week's Green Room, he argues that carbon labelling schemes will harm exports, especially from developing nations,...

Category: Climate Change


Free text messages save lives in Malawi

"A simple SMS system is revolutionising medical care in Malawi, where scarce resources and a skeleton hospital staff must serve thousands of people spread over hundred of square miles"

Category: Communications


Nuclear reactor plans spread fear and fission along the Energy Coast

"Beauty spot may soon become part of a 'Lake District Nuclear Park'"

Category: Energy sources


Communications: Major cyber spy network uncovered

"An electronic spy network, based mainly in China, has infiltrated computers from government offices around the world, Canadian researchers say."

Category: Communications

Displaying results 1326 to 1330 out of 2977